PeopleSoft Community Network
on HRCM91, Tools 8.52, On Oracle DB 11G R2,
how to query Oracle DB to have 10 top SQL only for PeopleSoft ?
Effectively in v$sqlarea there are all sql texts. How to choose only those of PeopleSoft ?
Thank you.
You can use AWR and ADDM reports. This would advice you what was running for SYSADM schema (PeopleSoft) from the record names. you will find several other details as well.
Run AWR and then look for sysadm and if it has some TOP SQL.
I should gather this information (10 Top SQL , among those have been run by PeopleSoft) every week.
it should be a criteria to limit the following query to PeopleSoft :
SELECT * FROM (SELECT substr(sql_text,1,40) sql,CPU_TIME/1000 temps, sql_id FROM V$SQLAREA ORDER BY CPU_TIME DESC) WHERE rownum <= 10 ;
Are all of the following modules from PeopleSoft and the only ones :
SQL> select distinct module from v$sqlarea where module like 'PS%'; PSAE PSAE.INT_VCH_AE_I.4312 PSAE.PO_BDC_I.8220 PSAE.PO_DISPATCH.7212 PSAE.PSPRG_PC_I.4312 PSAESRV.exe PSAPPSRV.exe PSBRKDSP.exe PSBRKHND.exe PSDSTSRV.exe PSMONITORSRV.exe PSMSTPRC.exe PSPRCSRV.exe PSPUBDSP.exe PSQRYSRV.exe PSSUBDSP.exe PSSUBHND.exe
However, if the queries are not reported in AWR to be important enough, then you may ignore them as they are insignificant on your system. Don't they ?
But, on a Peoplesoft database, unless there're some Oracle internal issues reported (systems queries) which you should also take care of anyway, you are most likely getting Peoplesoft queries in AWR report as only Peoplesoft is running onto there.
SQLAREA cannot fit your requirement, you have no guarantee to be able to report the last x days of activites, whereas AWR reports can be kept for a number of days you can set on database level.
From the top of my head, there's also pside, psdmt, psrun (cobol)... and probably some others. I doubt you can get an exhaustive list. Without saying you may have some module starting by PS which are not Peoplesoft related (sic).
What are you trying to achieve exactly ?
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