
So few days ago i got a new phone and I decided to update my facebook password witch has been saved to my phone for over 5 years. I logged out and started to recover my password with the "ask help from a friend" method where friend has to give you a code for recovering your password. 
I did it this way because i didin't knew my old password and the email that I had Facebook didn't send any emails to it (Have no clue why). All well and good I changed the email and password and Facebook said that it will send me a confirm email in 30 minutes. I waited for few hours but nothing. So i requested another email and that didin't come either. Few days later I tried geting my account back with the "my account has been hacked" that had the same "friend code" thing I changed the email again and still it woun't send me the confirm email. Im pretty desprate at this point because I can't even delet my old account or even block it.

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.



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